Kinematics Package

attitude module

Attitude Kinematics - transformations between attitude representations

This module provides a variety of functions to perform attitude kinematics. It transforms between a variety of attitude representations, provides functions for working with attitude,


Provide some examples of how to use this module


[1] M. D. Shuster, A survey of attitude representations, Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 439-517, 1993. [2] P. C. Hughes, Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics. Dover Publications, 2004. [3] J. R. Wertz, Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control, vol. 73. Springer, 1978.


List all the required components for this library to work properly.

kinematics.attitude.ang_veltoaxisangledot(angle, axis, Omega)

Compute kinematics for axis angle representation

kinematics.attitude.ang_veltodcmdot(R, Omega)

Convert angular velocity to DCM dot Omega - angular velocity defined in body frame

kinematics.attitude.axisangledottoang_vel(angle, axis, angle_dot, axis_dot)

Convert axis angle represetnation to angular velocity in body frame

kinematics.attitude.axisangletodcm(angle, axis)
kinematics.attitude.body313dot(theta, Omega)
kinematics.attitude.body313dot_to_ang_vel(theta, theta_dot)

Convert DCM to body Euler 3-1-3 angles

kinematics.attitude.dcmdottoang_vel(R, Rdot)

Convert a rotation matrix to angular velocity

w - angular velocity in inertial frame Omega - angular velocity in body frame


Convert DCM to quaternion

This function will convert a rotation matrix, also called a direction cosine matrix into the equivalent quaternion.

dcm - (3,3) numpy array
Numpy rotation matrix which defines a rotation from the b to a frame
quat - (4,) numpy array
Array defining a quaterion where the quaternion is defined in terms of a vector and a scalar part. The vector is related to the eigen axis and equivalent in both reference frames [x y z w]

Return that hat map of a vector

vec - 3 element vector
skew - 3,3 skew symmetric matrix
kinematics.attitude.normalize(num_in, lower=0, upper=360, b=False)

Normalize number to range [lower, upper) or [lower, upper].

  • num (float) – The number to be normalized.
  • lower (int) – Lower limit of range. Default is 0.
  • upper (int) – Upper limit of range. Default is 360.
  • b (bool) –

    Type of normalization. Default is False. See notes.

    When b=True, the range must be symmetric about 0. When b=False, the range must be symmetric about 0 or lower must be equal to 0.


n – A number in the range [lower, upper) or [lower, upper].

Return type:



ValueError – If lower >= upper.


If the keyword b == False, then the normalization is done in the following way. Consider the numbers to be arranged in a circle, with the lower and upper ends sitting on top of each other. Moving past one limit, takes the number into the beginning of the other end. For example, if range is [0 - 360), then 361 becomes 1 and 360 becomes 0. Negative numbers move from higher to lower numbers. So, -1 normalized to [0 - 360) becomes 359.

When b=False range must be symmetric about 0 or lower=0.

If the keyword b == True, then the given number is considered to “bounce” between the two limits. So, -91 normalized to [-90, 90], becomes -89, instead of 89. In this case the range is [lower, upper]. This code is based on the function fmt_delta of TPM.

When b=True range must be symmetric about 0.


>>> normalize(-270,-180,180)
>>> import math
>>> math.degrees(normalize(-2*math.pi,-math.pi,math.pi))
>>> normalize(-180, -180, 180)
>>> normalize(180, -180, 180)
>>> normalize(180, -180, 180, b=True)
>>> normalize(181,-180,180)
>>> normalize(181, -180, 180, b=True)
>>> normalize(-180,0,360)
>>> normalize(36,0,24)
>>> normalize(368.5,-180,180)
>>> normalize(-100, -90, 90)
>>> normalize(-100, -90, 90, b=True)
>>> normalize(100, -90, 90, b=True)
>>> normalize(181, -90, 90, b=True)
>>> normalize(270, -90, 90, b=True)
>>> normalize(271, -90, 90, b=True)
kinematics.attitude.quatdot(quat, Omega)
kinematics.attitude.quatdot_ang_vel(quat, quat_dot)

Convert quaternion to DCM

This function will convert a quaternion to the equivalent rotation matrix, or direction cosine matrix.

quat - (4,) numpy array
Array defining a quaterion where the quaternion is defined in terms of a vector and a scalar part. The vector is related to the eigen axis and equivalent in both reference frames [x y z w]
dcm - (3,3) numpy array
Numpy rotation matrix which defines a rotation from the b to a frame
kinematics.attitude.rot1(angle, form=u'c')

Euler rotation about first axis

This computes the rotation matrix associated with a rotation about the first axis. It will output matrices assuming column or row format vectors.

For example, to transform a vector from reference frame b to reference frame a:

Column Vectors : a = rot1(angle, ‘c’).dot(b) Row Vectors : a =, ‘r’))

It should be clear that rot1(angle, ‘c’) = rot1(angle, ‘r’).T

  • angle (float) – Angle of rotation about first axis. In radians
  • form (str) – Flag to choose between row or column vector convention.

mat – Rotation matrix

Return type:

numpy.ndarray of shape (3,3)

kinematics.attitude.rot2(angle, form=u'c')

Euler rotation about second axis

This computes the rotation matrix associated with a rotation about the first axis. It will output matrices assuming column or row format vectors.

For example, to transform a vector from reference frame b to reference frame a:

Column Vectors : a = rot2(angle, ‘c’).dot(b) Row Vectors : a =, ‘r’))

It should be clear that rot2(angle, ‘c’) = rot2(angle, ‘r’).T

  • angle (float) – Angle of rotation about second axis. In radians
  • form (str) – Flag to choose between row or column vector convention.

mat – Rotation matrix

Return type:

numpy.ndarray of shape (3,3)

kinematics.attitude.rot3(angle, form=u'c')

Euler rotation about thrid axis

This computes the rotation matrix associated with a rotation about the third axis. It will output matrices assuming column or row format vectors.

For example, to transform a vector from reference frame b to reference frame a:

Column Vectors : a = rot3(angle, ‘c’).dot(b) Row Vectors : a =, ‘r’))

It should be clear that rot3(angle, ‘c’) = rot3(angle, ‘r’).T

  • angle (float) – Angle of rotation about first axis. In radians
  • form (str) – Flag to choose between row or column vector convention.

mat – Rotation matrix

Return type:

numpy.ndarray of shape (3,3)


Unit vector in direction of q

qhat = unit_vector(q)

Parameters:q ((n,) numpy array) – Vector in Rn
Returns:qhat – The unit vector in the direction of q
Return type:(n,) numpy array


You may include some math:

\[\hat q = \frac{q}{\norm{q}}\]

Shankar Kulumani GWU


Return the vee map of a vector

sphere module

n-Sphere operations

This module holds some useful functions for dealing with elements of n-spheres. Most usually we tend to deal with the 1-sphere and the 2-sphere.

kinematics.sphere.perturb_vec(q, cone_half_angle=2)

Perturb a vector randomly

qp = perturb_vec(q, cone_half_angle=2)

  • q ((n,) numpy array) – Vector to perturb
  • cone_half_angle (float) – Maximum angle to perturb the vector in degrees

  • perturbed ((n,) numpy array) – Perturbed numpy array
  • Author
  • ——
  • Shankar Kulumani GWU


kinematics.sphere.rand(n, **kwargs)

Random vector from the n-Sphere

This function will return a random vector which is an element of the n-Sphere. The n-Sphere is defined as a vector in R^n+1 with a norm of one.

Basically, we’ll find a random vector in R^n+1 and normalize it. This uses the method of Marsaglia 1972.

Returns:Random (n+1,) numpy vector with a norm of 1
Return type:rvec
kinematics.sphere.tan_rand(q, seed=9)

Find a random vector in the tangent space of the n sphere

This function will find a random orthogonal vector to q.

Parameters:q – (n+1,) array which is in the n-sphere
Returns:(n+1,) array which is orthogonal to n-sphere and also random
Return type:qd